WCJ has many exciting opportunities allowing YOU
to make a difference in lives of women.
Are you interested in becoming involved?
Volunteers receive extensive training, so don’t worry if you don’t have experience.

"The Women's Center has been advocating for women for 25 years. This is an agency where I am proud to have been given an opportunity to intern. The agency provides care, comfort, guidance, and safety to women at a time when they need to be reassured. Each case is appropriately administered confidentially and with respect. My professional career will benefit greatly from internship at WCJ because of these exceptional compassionate practices.
WCJ Volunteer
There are many ways you can help WCJ.
On-Call Hotline Advocate
On-Call Hotline Advocate Duties
If you feel called to empower adult victims of sexual assault, you can train to become an advocate. On-Call advocates will also volunteer with our rape-crisis hotline; volunteers respond to phone calls from victims of sexual assault.
Call to Learn About Becoming an On-Call Hotline Advocate
Outreach Assistant
Outreach Assistant Duties
If you want to educate community members, students, police officers or community leaders about our services you can become an outreach assistant.
Call to Learn About Becoming an Outreach Assistant
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant Duties
Not interested in direct client services? We always need help with daily administrative task!
Call to Learn About Becoming an Administrative Assistant
Rape Recovery Team Assistant
Rape Recovery Team Assistant Duties
Help to put together materials for presentations, assist with special events, help operate the Victims of Sexual Assault Hotline (optional), make phone calls and much more.
Call to Learn About Becoming a Rape Recovery Team Assistant
Graphic Design and Marketing Assistant
Graphic Design and Marketing Assistant Duties
If you have experience creating ads and flyers you can produce materials for WCJ outreach and events.
Call to Learn About Becoming a Graphic Design and Marketing Assistant