Our offices will be closed for the holiday starting on Tuesday, December 24th and will re-open on Thursday, January 2nd at 9 a.m. If you are in crisis, please call our 24-Hour Rape Crisis Hotline at 904-721-7273.
If you are in immediate danger, or need medical attention, PLEASE CALL 911 NOW. Alternatively, call the 24-hr rape crisis hotline at 904.721.7273 and speak to a member of the rape recovery team for immediate support.

a self-guided tool


SEEK THEN SPEAK is a tool that helps to provide a new pathway to justice for sexual assault survivors.

Most survivors never report their sexual assault because they fear they’ll be blamed for the assault or mistreated in the criminal justice process. 

SEEK Then SPEAK will help you privately gather information, explore your options and lead you through a series of questions that will help prepare you and record what has happened, in case you do decide to report the assault to law enforcement.

This new tool can be accessed from any digital device, at the time and place of your choosing and it can be translated into more than 100 languages. This tool will allow you to download a report of the information you provided.

You are in charge of what happens to the information you provide.

City of Jacksonville

Survivors of sexual assault in the city of Jacksonville can email their report to the Jacksonville Sherriff’s Office (JSO) via email with or without identifying information – you can choose to remain anonymous. If you do choose to remain anonymous, the JSO may use the information you provide as intelligence to help with other investigations. If you choose to identify yourself, a detective will reach out to schedule an interview. If you would like to provide a report anonymously but are hesitant to send the report to JSO directly, please call our 24-hr rape crisis hotline at 904.721.7273 and a certified rape crisis advocate can assist you by providing the report on your behalf. Your identity will be protected and all communication is confidential.

Outside of Jacksonville (Nassau and Baker Counties)

If your sexual assault took place outside the city of Jacksonville, please call our 24-hr rape crisis hotline at 904.721.7273. One of our certified rape crisis advocates will help you provide the report to the correct agency. You can choose to remain anonymous.

You have the right to have an advocate with you when making a report to the police, at detective interviews, or any other criminal justice appointment. The WCJ will provide a certified rape crisis advocate to accompany you, support you, and answer questions about what to expect.

If you have trouble completing the report, need help typing it out, printing it or accessing the internet in a safe place, please call our 24-hr rape crisis hotline at 904.721.7273 so a rape crisis advocate can help you.
Reporting to law enforcement is not required for survivors of sexual assault and rape who are 18 years of age and older. However, if a survivor of sexual violence is a vulnerable adult (has a disability that prevents them from carrying out the activities of daily living) or is under the age of 18 (a minor), a mandatory report to the Florida Abuse Hotline is required: 1-800-962-2873.